Initial Devlog

Adding some notes for those interested...

Started as an idea to create a game using mostly AI models and Code generated through ChatGPT and Github Co-Pilot.

This is the main effort. The game demo is in it's initial release. At this time, I want to pause this effort to focus on other projects.

Some issues to address moving forward:

  • Music is provided by White Bat Audio, I love their music and wish to continue to use them. If I expand this project, expect more from them as they have a killer track
  • UI can be a bit janky...I based this game off the Roll-A-Ball tutorial in unity, so a lot of child parent relationship affects health and UI
  • Cutscenes are great, but we need better writers. ChatGPT gave me a start, but the story is corny. Want to make a more cohesive story with more then 2 characters.
  • Had to simplify maze for now. I intended to make more powerups to make the maze scenes go faster. Maybe add a timer for some challenge. It was an inclusion idea since I like maze puzzles, but it is time consuming to balance.
  • Combat is good, but is in need of some buffing. Enemies die to quick I think. Core mechanic I like but there is some jank to work out. But with the right setup, it can provide a fun, high octane experience.
  • Simple characters, no animations needed. I have always been daunted by animations despite it being easy, I want to add humanoid characters in the future.
  • Add more weapon types...just the one for now, there are a lot of good ideas to augment weapon types with upgrades to each. Also do the same for enemies
  • More enemy types...3 for now, with a boss that I like. I want to explore more on the types of variety that we could work with.

Thats it for now. Eventually, I would like to expand this out into a better product. But I was able to get what I needed for this experience.

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Jul 15, 2023

Get Battle Balls

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